Wednesday, May 9, 2007

All men are brothers

Here's a list of how many people went into creating you.

The list goes back 30 generations (about 900 years - 30 years per gen.)

Keep in mind that there was only an estimated 320 million people on Earth around 1100 AD.

Gens Persons

0 1 (You)

1 2 (Your Parents)

2 4 (Your Grandparents)

3 8 (Your Great Grandparents)

4 16 (etc..).

5 32

6 64

7 128

8 256

9 512

10 1024

11 2048

12 4096

13 8192

14 16384

15 32768

16 65536

17 131072

18 262144

19 524288

20 1048576

21 2097152

22 4194304

23 8388608

24 16777216

25 33554432

26 67108864

27 134217728

28 268435456

29 536870912

30 1073741824

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